viernes, 30 de octubre de 2015

Second Teaching Practice (Third Period)


On this class, I introduced the topic "be used to". First I started with a whispering game, students made two lines and the last ones received a sentence, they had to whisper the sentence to the one in front of them until the last student who had to write te sentence on the board. I continued with grammar for "be used to". After that I continued with a controlled fill in the blans where they had to write the correct form of the "be used to" for each sentence, then i had a speaking semi controlled activity for them to talk about the things they are used to and I ended my class with a semi controlled fill in the blanks where students had to create the "be used to"of some sentences already stipulated.


Plan Action



I could see that students understood the topic very easily, they were able to complete all the activities in a proer way. Students were asking a lot and that tells me that they are interested in class and that they really want to learn, after clearing their doubts durin the grammar part the rest was easy for them and the activities were developed successfully and students got a meaningful learning.

The attention of the students and the development of the class was excellent (for me) and I had no complains from my tutor when receiving feed back, so the class was great and so was students behavior. I generally try to develop a lot of RAPPORT with the students, talking with them and making them feel comfortable around me. I think that the students feel comfy with me around and they are able to ask and understand everything when I teach.

In the future I will continue working in the way I have been doing it since I like having a good relationship with my students, I given them confidence so they can feel free to ask what they need to know and clear all the doubts they have.

viernes, 23 de octubre de 2015

First Teaching Practice (Third Period)


On this class, I had the students practice quantifiers and indefinite pronouns. First I started with Snow Ball Fight, students who were hit by the the ball had to answer some questions about last class, then I continued with a fill in activity for indefinite pronoouns which was controlled, then a matching activity about quantifiers that was controlled as well. I continued with a semi controlled activity for indefinite pronouns, and another semi controlled for the quantifiers, unfortunatelly time was not enough and I could not finish with the free activities which were speaking activities.


Plan Action



It is hard for the students to apply their previous knowledge or maybe they felt shy because some of them freezed when developing the warm up. I think that it is hard for them or that they are shy because it was my first class with them. Later when the class was advancing, I noticed that they lost shyness (some of them) and the class started to be smoother-

There were no students making mess or not paying attention, all the students behaved well and the class was great. There are always students who do not talk much or participate much in class and I tried to make all of them participate. In general, I think that the class was OK and that students had a meaningful learning because of their attention.

In the future I will try to improve the timing of the activities because I think that was why I could not finish with all the activities I had for the students, I have to be a little more careful to end the activities and not give much time for them because that delays the other activities.

lunes, 21 de septiembre de 2015

Second Teaching Practice (Second Period)


On this second practice I reviewed and made students practice simple past vs present perfec. First, I started with a warm up that help them review about last class, comparatives and superlatives adverbs, I made them speak about that. Then, I told them to choose some sentences from the fill in the blanks that were in present perfect and they had to convert them into past. I continued the class with a fill in the blanks, they had to choose whether to use simple past or present perfect in some sentences. After that, I made them ask some questions, I projected them on the board and they walked around asked the questions to their classmates and then they shared who had done those things they asked. Later, I told them to ask "How has this week been?" and shared later. To finish the class they wrote about what they had done in all their lives.


Plan Action



Students needed to improve their use of present perfect, that is why I focused the activities more on that subject, I could notice that indeed they needed a reinforcement. As they like to speak, the activities were focused on speaking activities because I also noticed that in adition they learned faster while speaking.

The class was normal in terms of attention, this. time students did not ask like the previous class, I think that it was because of the confidence level I portrayed at them, different from the first class which I was very nervous. They quickly started realizing that they needed to improve using present perfect and got the idea very fast.

In the future I will try to improve even more and to get more connected with the students, I need to improve RAPPORT and also they way that I give instructions, I was told by the teacher that I have to use more authority during the class.

sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2015

First Teaching Practice (Second Period)


On this second practice I taught Comparative and Superlative Adverbs. The class was hard for me because of the students, they are already LICENCIADOS and it was very hard because they always asked and it was very hard for me to clear all their doubts when I was not even able to start explaining in a proper way, the teacher helped me and intervened a couple times because of the way students started questioning the class and grammar part; howerver, after all that, they seemed to understand the topic and the development of the class improved because of their participation.


Plan Action



Students asked a lot because of their seriousness during classes, they are very picky with the information they receive and they want quality education and that is why they ask a lot and have many doubts.

Thanks to the many questions of the students, the got the topic quickly and it was easier when developing the practices, they worked fast and I did not detec any problem.

In the future I will try to calm my nerves, because of the students I have, it was very hard for me to teach calmly, I was very nervous and their questions made me more and more nervous.

sábado, 1 de agosto de 2015

Second Teaching Practice (First Period)


On this second practice I introduced the topic too much and too many, I had many activities prepared for students to work, unfortunately the time was not enough to complete all the activities.


Plan Action



Students got the idea quick during the grammar part and I thought that they were bored during the class because the activities were very focused on the work, there were no activities like playing or something like that

As the activities were focused on making them work, I think the class was tedious because of the topic, it was hard to find activities to have the students in a very active class and sadly I did not occured any way to keep them moving or releasing the huge energy they have.

In the future I will try look for more dynamic activities, also the topic has to be different because certain topics are hard to teach in a dynamic and fun way, too much and too many is one of them, I have to be careful with the activities but when the activities are not found, that is a huge problem and the only way is to stick with the ones found.

lunes, 27 de julio de 2015

First teaching, First Period


On this teaching practice, I gave "be going to" practice for the students, reinforcing what my classmate taught last time. The class was divided in speaking and writing activities with a couple games for kids not to get bored. Students sthusiam was crucial because of the number of students I had to work with (7 students) In the end, everything went well.


Plan Action



A lot of students were missing because they were on a trip they won. Only 7 students arrived and that made things hard because I had things prepared for many students, I had to adapt my planning so the students were alble to participate in the time I had planned. 

The development went well, the student's are very advanced in their level and I do not think that they had difficulties working with me and learning with the activities. Their capabilyti of following directions were good, even better than higher level students I know. They had good communication with other students and they share the activities in an appropiated way.

Next time I plant to improve the way of giving directions and to try not to get nervous, I was very nervous becase I had less students that I expected and also because this was the first time I worked with them. Also I had a problem with one activity because I forgot how to develop it even though I had it in the board, the nerves made me forget about the way I was suppose to develop it, I will try to improve that and to lose the nerves in front of a new class.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2015

Second teaching, Third period


On this teaching practice, I did speaking practices of the questions in simple past. The objective of the class was to close the unit of the simple past tense, practicing all the kinds of questions studied.


Plan Action



The whole class was about speaking so students had a lot of time to talk and share about everything I told them to. First they shared about their vacations, later about their childhood and other things that involved questions in past.

As I did in the last class, develop speaking skills in students, now I took the whole class for speaking and making them share with their classmates. I think that not only help students to get closer between them but also to truly develop the so necessary speaking ability they need.

I plan to keep working hard helping students developing their speaking skills, cause that's the main point of an english class, to make the students talk. Also there are some students that need to be more confident and I'll look for a way of helping them developing their confidence to the next level.